We are starting to provide Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and prescribing Suboxone. Providers are given an X waiver for their DEA number. We are trying to determine how to add this to Centricity. The DEA field is not long enough to include both their standard DEA number and the DEA with the X waiver.
It seems that just updating it to the X waiver DEA number is working for pharmacies, but curious how others are doing this?
We do not have a copy of Crystal Reports so editing the prescription report is out of the question.
Mary Kay
Crystal Reports for Eclipse is free. I haven't used it myself other than to load a .rpt file to test it out. I have not reviewed the license to see if it would be appropriate to use it. You might want to check it out though.
Mary Kay, are you on 12.2 or 12.3 because there is now the ability to load more than on DEA# on your providers?
Which .rpt file is the prescriptions form(printout) using?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity Practice Solution\Client\crwrpts\presc<ST>.rpt
Where <ST> is the state abbreviation.
We are on 12.3 and we place our Suboxone numbers in Admin on the Chart Access Tab then place the number in the DATA2000 ID field.
Judy Preston
We are on 12.0 (yes I know- way behind).
I thought that the two DEA numbers was for different states, not different DEA numbers but it is a thought for when we upgrade.