Is there any way to call a discrete data field \ observation term in EMR 9.8 wile dictating using dragon? Similar to the way a quick text is used. For example we are using commands in dragon and would like the command used to bring in a line of text and also pull in the patient’s prior blood pressure.
I thought the Dragon software is available for mobile devices only ( Could you share how do you using it?
Is it just an idea or you already integrated Dragon with EMR?
We are using Dragon Medical Network Edition installed locally on Windows PC's and dictatiing directly into text boxes within EMR 9.8 with a PowerMIc II.
We've asked Nuance about this, and according to them this is not possible.
Try this. Create a quicktext macro to bring in previous blood pressure. Example, quicktext macro named .patbp
Then create a dragon command that will type .patbp (plus space).
The provider trains the dragon command to fire when you say "patbp" (or whatever phrase works).
Then, if you are dictating into a multiline edit field, you should be able to say "command mode" (not sure if you need to switch modes)
then say "patbp", and the dragon command (hopefully) fires, causing the quicktext to drop-into the field, followed by a space, which fires the quicktext, and (hopefully) the patients previous blood pressure. Then switch back to dictation mode and continue.
If anyone tries this, let us know here if it works.
regards - Beverly