Hi All,
At the end of the month, we will be upgrading to EMR 9.8 from EMR 9.5. We currently use CCC forms and the Vitals Signs-3-CCC. After getting EMR 9.8 into our test environment and loading CCC forms 8.3.8 and then the CCC-Basic suite, we noticed that GE was only supporting the Vital Signs-CCC for use to meet MU measures. I assume because GE built all the obs terms in that form to match their new CQR reports for MU.
Our issue: this vitals form does not have a place to record weight in oz. for infants and children. We are family practice, but I would imagine for a Peds practice this would be an even larger issue.
How are you handling? This does not appear to be modifiable in the CCC-Text File Editor for the Vital Signs-CCC form.
There is a place in Setup to modify the obs terms that each measure uses. We haven't installed our test yet so I can't tell you where it is, but a GE tech showed it to me at CHUG.
Thanks, David.
I have reviewed the data mapping in settings! Hopefully this will work for us.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction