I thought I'd seen this asked before, but didn't find anything in my Search.
I'd be interested to know how many people you have staffing your EMR Support teams, and in what roles. Also, if you would be able to share a sample position description for either an analyst/developer, or a clinical informatics staff member, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks so much for any information you can provide!
We have the 13 people listed below for about 165 simultaneous users (probably around 230 total users) of a multi-practice health group:
1 Systems Analyst (for adhoc reporting, creating centricity reports, anything SQL)
1 Forms Developer/Analyst (Does anything and everything that requires back end coding)
3 Support Specialists (Answer phone calls and fix problems)
1 Systems Admin
2 Hardware Techs
1 Business Process Analyst (works with interfaces, technical workflows, new equipment purchases)
2 Trainers (1 nurse with clinical experience, 1 IT person)
1 Transition Coordinator (Planning and helping our new clinics transition from paper to EMR and everything that goes with Go Lives of the clinics we are picking up)
1 HIT Manager (over all of us)
2000 concurrent users
UNIX server team (4 servers) (3)
Oracle DBA (1)
Windows server team (50 Citrix servers) (6)
Apps deployment team (5)
Network team (5)
User support team (PC support) (5)
Interface team (4)
Training team (basics) (5)
Clinical informatics project team (liasons between providers and IT, enhancement requests) (8 former nurses)
Clinical informatics support team (phone calls, emails, chart fixes, one-on-one training, site rounds, letter/handout creation) (10 former nurses)
Form builders (2 programmers)
Jack of all trades (form builder, report creator, letter/handout creation, updates/upgrades, debugger) (1 programmer/analyst) (me)
Clinical informatics project manager (form builder, report creator, coordinator)
Managers for teams (7)
We have 250 users , give or take 10
and 200 concurrent users
Seem the kind of figures previously posted by the other contributor, i feel like I'm working in a sweatshop
We currently have 4 people in our Team to support the Whole infrastructure.
i will call our staff by name and will take the position description that best describe our environment from one of our previous poster
1 Systems Analyst (for adhoc reporting, creating centricity reports, anything SQL)
me, Raf
1 Forms Developer/Analyst (Does anything and everything that requires back end coding) me Raf
1 Support Specialists (Answer phone calls and fix problems) Raf and Dan
1 Systems Admin, Raf, Dan, Ter, Rup
2 Hardware Techs server= Ter, Raf
1 Business Process Analyst (works with interfaces, technical workflows, new equipment purchases) Raf, Rup
1 Trainers (1 nurse with clinical experience, 1 IT person) Dan
1 Transition Coordinator (Planning and helping our new clinics transition from paper to EMR and everything that goes with Go Lives of the clinics we are picking up) Raf, Rup
1 HIT Manager (over all of us) Rup.
1 Windows server team (30 server 95% virtual) 1 =terr
1 Windows server team (10 critrix ) 1 =Raf
4 Apps deployment team= all of us, raf, rup, ter, dan
Clinical informatics support team (phone calls, emails, chart fixes, one-on-one training, site rounds, letter/handout creation) Raf, Rup
1 Interface team (1) Raf
1 Form builders (1) Raf
300 Users
280 Concurrent Users
7 Full time staffed sites, 8 Satellite clinics
2 IT members - handle all pc related and new equipment setup and support
1 IS (me) - I handle everything centricity related. Reporting, development, implementation, training, and anything sql related. Also HIPPA security officer for practice.
Really would be nice to have extra hands on deck at times.