As a pediatric practice, we have a waiver for EPCS from our state since none of the providers prescribe opioids. We also do not have any Medicare patients. I have been trying to find out if the transition from Surescripts to the NCPDP SCRIPT standard and Dr First in V20 will require that all prescribers have EPCS enabled prior to December 1, regardless of state waivers. I can't find the information and wondered if anyone happens to know. Thanks.
If you don't prescribe any Schedule II drugs than you shouldn't need EPCS. If you are prescribing non-opioid Schedule II's like ADHD meds then I would think you would need it for your state.
We had a call with our CSM yesterday and she mentioned that Surescripts may be extending the cutoff date which is currently Dec 1. They haven't announced how long yet, possibly because they may be waiting to see how long the COVID-19 shutdown lasts. We are not on EPCS yet either and she said that we could wait until after the V20 upgrade to get them set up.
Thanks Linda, I did hear that late yesterday. It know we were all advocating for that. It's the only thing that makes sense.