So medicare is going to require EPCS by 1/1/2021.
I imagine some other beneficiaries might require it before that.
In the last quote we got from Centricity they wanted over $8,000 for EPCS for 1 provider.
Anyone willing to share what they paid?
I can't imagine it taking very much to "implement".
That is pretty pricey something were all going to have to look at. I would be interested as well as to the cost others are paying. Was your quote through Imprivata ?
My quote was direct from Centricity.
Hello everyone. We are in the process of implementing EPCS now. I have been working directly with our Athena Sales Rep.
We recently signed a contract for all 50 of our MD's. The cost is $499/provider per year. As for Imprivata, there is a one time charge for two factor authentication and implementation (technical services) for $1150 and another charge for two factor authentication (implementation services) for $3,000. Other than that, it is required to have 3rd party fingerprint readers in case the two token authentication fails - we have 7 of those for $1,176 total.
We are not going live with EPCS until 11/1/19, after we get back from CHUG, so that we can speak with end users who have already implemented EPCS to get direct feedback. Hope this helps.
This is very useful information, thanks for your response. Looking forward to learning more at CHUG.