I am looking for guidance or "best practice" on how to handle employees and family members of employees access to their charts. In the past we have "locked" down the specific charts of the employee and their immediate family members (those living in the house together). I have had the issue of the EMR freezing up on me or logging out of the application and having to log back in again. We also do this process for patients that we have "fired" or dismissed from our facility. The same thing happens. I was told in the beginning that this "crash" happens when we get to 100 charts that we have locked down. I am wondering what everyone else does for this process. Am I doing something wrong with this process? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
We use the Access On Demand sensitive chart & Access On Demand sensitive registration security permissions to force all users to log reason for accessing the chart. All users have View Sensitive Charts & View Sensitive Registrations permissions. We do not crash with these settings. But we have noticed the refill form does not work and secure messaging will not work if the patient's registration has been marked sensitive. we allow people to uncheck sensitive long enough to finish their work and then they are to set the sensitive checkmark back when they are done. I run a report at the end of every month to find removed sensitive checkmark actions in the audit log and ensure all the charts are marked sensitive again.
We also use sensitive chart and registration in a similar fashion.
I would add that a periodic audit for possible unauthorized access should be part of your standard auditing routine as well.