Does anyone know how to export the list of the reports in Centricity EMR (Report Module)? Is there a table that contain these reports? Thank you!!!
I have additinal questions regarding Crystal Reports. Have they been updated and are the ones that we have used in the past still functional? If not where do we get the updated ones? Since I still do not have 100% confidence in CQR results (I have actually proven falacy in calculations), I would like something for back up if it is available. Crystal reports have always worked so well for us in the past. Thank you for help
You can find the report definitions here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity EMR 9.2\crwrpts
The accuracy of the reports provided by GE depends upon documenting in a way where the specific OBS terms used in the report are populated accurately. We've had to customize a lot of our reports to match the way our documentation occurs.
Look at these two queries:
select * from ml.rptprop
select r.rptname, r.params, from ml.rptprop r, ml.hierobjs h where r.objectid = h.objectid
Thank you for your answers! The reports list that I need are on Reports module. The are canned reports from Centricity EMP. They are crystal report within the system when you allow the users to enter the parameters and run from Centricity EMR