Just adding a few other things we have noticed:
1. Patient education: For some reason all of our providers are doing quite well at this measure even though, candidly, they have all admitted they don't use the truven button and have stopped the hated workflow of printing the prescription information sheet. What we ended up determining is that if the prescription print out was ever printed for the patient - even 4 or 5 years ago - that patient counts as receiving patient education.
While CMS does not expressly state that education has to be given during the reporting period we feel going back that far is somewhat against the spirit of the rule. What I am wondering is if the CQR does use some form of "back in time" evaluation but only evaluates the MUACtivityLog time-stamp, not the actual time it was printed. The reason I wonder this is that the MUactivitylog time-stamp for "old" actions is set as the day/time we upgraded to 9.8 (there were apparently a ton of prescription handouts printed at 2 am that morning).
2. eRX: The CQR does not evaluate if the user who entered the electronic prescription was credentialed. CMS doesn't expressly state they need to be but based on the wording of the CPOE measures we feel that is against the spirit of the measure.
3. TOC: Sending the Summary of Care through the patient portal does not count as giving the SOC to the patient (the 50% part). We are less concerned about this as we are kind of all in on the proposed rule change but still, c'mon.
4. The message Kryptic generates back to the EMR indicating a patient has consented to using the portal counts as a message to every single provider that saw that patient during the reporting period. Again, CMS proposed rule sort of eliminates this but still concerning - that is an easy fix (tie in the receiving providers home location).
5. Portal Access: Having Declined in "PATPORTALPIN" counts as access when it should not.
Some of these are beneficial, others our own fault due to workflow yet we are concerned nonetheless - to comply with the CQR reporting method we would have to drastically change workflow across the board - and in some cases abandon workflow all together.
One of our biggest concerns was in my first post and reiterated by Paula above: the GE crystal reports used responsible provider of the document for all of stage 1 - the change to "any activity" is a huge disruption and should have been highlighted and communicated a year ago.
All of this and I didn't even mentioned the random missing data, not being able to reset CQR PWs (even as the admin), lack of a good enterprise dashboard, no ability to have tiered access (ex. grant an office manager access to all their providers but not all practices), the confusing and complicated data ingestion auditing etc...
And don't get me started on the lack of technical documentation. At least with the crystal reports we could open them up and see the logic/how the data was being evaluated - with the CQR we are effectively limited to guess and check (24 hrs later).
Posted : May 29, 2015 7:55 am