Our CEO has asked for some numbers for a supper meeting he is having with our providers this evening.
He would like to know
1) How many new patients each provider has seen since March 1, 2016
2) How many patients each provider has seen per week. (This one he only requested for two new providers and I was able to do a manual count. But I may need to provide these numbers again in the future.)
3) Total visits per month per provider for the last year.
I thought I could run inquiries for these but they are not producing accurate results, as my only option to base it on provider is by "Responsible provider" and that is not helpful at all.
Maybe I am overlooking a report in my frenzy to try and get this done in the next couple of hours but for now I am stuck doing a manual count. Which will assure that it will not be done in time for the meeting this evening.
When I'm looking for stats like this, I search for documents of type office visit and responsible provider. For new patients, I guess you could search appointments of status completed, if the summary line doesn't contain that detail.
The problem I run into with using "Responsible provider" is that we have Mid Levels who have an overseeing Physician sign their documents as well. So the Provider who last signed the Office Visit is the one who pulls on the inquiry.
It also causes a problem if I search for
Where Appt type is New Pt
AND Appt status in complete
AND Appt date is on or after " "
And Responsible provider is " "
because if the patient has seen another provider since that initial New Pt appt then the responsible provider will be different then the one they saw as a New Pt. Therefore they won't populate on that report.
Go to Reports>Patients>Patients Procedures List in PM and run reports based on CPT's. Select all the CPT's like CPT-99213, 99214,99215 as well as any procedure codes they used for injection administration, run per provider for that date range. If they give injections generally at E&M visits then just run on the E&M codes.
This way you know its appointments that were completed and billed out vs just scheduled.
THANK YOU!! Definitely overlooked this one. I was focused on reports under scheduling......
You are very welcome!
If you want Crystal Reports for each of you queries, more than happy create for you. Feel free to contact me.
we use GE analytics for these types of inquiries. Our business office manager pulls these quite easily and on the fly.