I was wondering what would be the most accurate way to get a list of patients who are under vaccinated, fully vaccinated, 0-21 yrs, and sorted by insurance type? I tried going through EMR>
Chart reports>Reports> MedicalLogic> Comliance/ NonComliance>, but not sure how accurate these reports are, any suggestions?
I am not aware of anything built already within the EMR. Many years ago, I wrote for a different Medical Group reports to track vaccines (and also help as an early warning of patients needing appt and/or vaccines). If I recall, because of the complexities, think I did age 0-2, 2-teenager (do not remember what year cutoff), then teenage+
So, it is possible to create the logic and build, just need to sit down with someone very familiar with the rules and also how you code for each shot - like what do you call each vaccine, etc...