Greetings team -
I work for a community health center and historically I was called an Applications Specialist but in updating my job description we have found that I need a new title to support what I do. I am hoping to get some ideas from you all. The title of Applications Specialist had a grey cross over with IT that we are hoping to clearly define the separation from IT with my new title.
Primarily I am responsible for training in the health record and identifying where we can improve our workflows better for better patient/staff satisfaction as well as data integrity and quality. I create forms for documentation, keep areas in the system clean and train all new hires on the basic use of the areas in CPS in which their role will need access (by role based permissions). Additionally I create specific training manuals provide reports for department leads. At the request of a department lead with a new process or workflow, I will create/support the written procedures. I also follow-up with department leads when I identify an area where a staff member isn't following the process so they may follow-up with the necessary training needs as they see fit.
It is kind of a jumble of responsibilities but the goal is for me become a emr content expert for any role at the health center and make sure staff are educated to complete their documentation as well as ensure that if any of the department workflows cross over, we are doing it in the best way possible.
Thank you for the ideas!
wow - you just described my role/responsibilities perfectly! I also restructured my duties and title about a year ago so better define what I do here, so others are left wondering and to define my focus and help me reach some goals.
My current title is Quality Assurance Coordinator and I am considered a part of the IT Department. Many of our management team members will often refer to me as a liaison between both IT and clinical staff/physicians since I have played on both sides and often help them understand workflows/limitations (a mediator!)
Feel free to email me if you would like to chat or want to see a copy of my job description to compare.
Vikki J.
Here are some suggestions:
- EMR Training Specialist
- Clinical Workflow Optimization Specialist
- EHR Process Improvement Analyst
or some other possible mashup. If you try searching "job description" along with several key words like "EMR workflow training", you will find several ideas that will lead you to a better job title. The work you do is highly valued and hard to come by for what it's worth!
Clinical Informatics Specialist
While I have other duties such as MIPS, Security and OSHA, I do what you do as well. My job title is Clinical Services Manager.
Same as Vikki and all the others above with the roles and responsibilities - I currently go by "Senior Manager, Health Information Systems Department" - I pretty much just say "HIS" and make people guess....A few jobs ago, I did the same stuff but was called "Systems Administrator" -- it is funny how the title of this role is absolutely different at every organization!
Wow, you just summed up my job responsibilities, my job description and title have not yet been changed as our Health Center is making some other needed changes. My current title is Clinical Quality Analyst. Best of luck to you and keep up the wonderful work!
Most of the time, job titles change for 2 reasons. Added responsibilities and a different pay scale. Hopefully, you get the improved pay scale because it sounds like you've already gotten the added responsibilities. If I was adding this position in my department, I would label it EHR(or EMR) Systems Specialist, Analyst, Trainer, or Coordinator. It would depend what salary range I was looking for.
CEO has a nice ring to it too. 😉
You and I have somewhat similar my organization they call me a Systems Analyst.
We call that Application Analyst, but we posted it as Application Analyst/Trainer when we were hiring for that role because we wanted to attract candidates with training experience. For people with more experience, we add "Sr." or "II" to the end. It falls under IT here.
I've also seen it as any variety of EMR [Workflow/Training/Implementation/Data Integrity] Specialist or Clinical Solutions Specialist.
It's a tough role to label!
Healthcare Guide
We have a combo of Training and Implementation Specialist/Support Specialist. So we handle the support calls for CPS as well as act as the database admins. We also do all of the training on CPS for the end users on top of various IT items.....So its hard to define a true title for what we do.