Has anyone encountered MEL tracing turning itself on without it being set in the menu or CTRL-ALT-M being pressed? We are having MEL trace files show up for random users (and even one developer who says she did not turn it on). Obviously causes performance issues and slower load times in Citrix since it is copying to their Citrix profile and back to the profile on the app server they hit and back again when they log off. I tend to think user error or sticky keyboard but thought I would ask.
YES! I just discovered this a few days ago. I was also thinking user error or sticky keyboard but on several different computers with different users was perplexing. I even mentioned it to a GE tech yesterday while troubleshooting a different issue but he didn't comment one way or the other. Interesting.
Terri Werner Brown
twerner said:
YES! I just discovered this a few days ago. I was also thinking user error or sticky keyboard but on several different computers with different users was perplexing. I even mentioned it to a GE tech yesterday while troubleshooting a different issue but he didn't comment one way or the other. Interesting.
Terri Werner Brown
Which version of CPS?
EMR 9.5 Service Pack 4 here
Centricity 9.5
Have you checked (when the user is logged in), what they have under the Top Menu "Options" ?
- Tracing
- It should pop up "Diagnostic Tracing for this workstation" screen.
Will have checkbox for "Tracing options", where you can click to turn on
Enable UI tracing
Enable MEL tracing
Enable SQL tracing
Enable Database tracing
And at the bottom of the screen
[ ] Automatically start tracing at login
Maybe some of these are checked for those users generating MEL tracing unawares ?
- B
Nope, they haven't had the tracing enabled by menu and we don't have any forms that turn on the MEL DEBUG() command to turn tracing on.
DavidShower said:
Nope, they haven't had the tracing enabled by menu and we don't have any forms that turn on the MEL DEBUG() command to turn tracing on.
Can you reproduce? Could it be a server setting?
We run via Citrix so everyone is running off the same image. I'll search for trace files larger than 20 meg in the morning and afternoon and only find 1 or 2 - sometimes none. Searched for trace files with no files size restriction now and came up with 15 but we average about 280 concurrent users. One was even a SQL trace.
DavidShower said:
We run via Citrix so everyone is running off the same image. I'll search for trace files larger than 20 meg in the morning and afternoon and only find 1 or 2 - sometimes none. Searched for trace files with no files size restriction now and came up with 15 but we average about 280 concurrent users. One was even a SQL trace.
Then I would think along the lines that it is an individual workstation issue. Can you log into one of the workstations and reproduce it?
We don't use fat clients. We usually have 18-20+ users each on 16 Citrix application servers, each running off the very same Citrix image. Users hit various application servers as they long on and off during the day.
Has anyone been touching the mlsetupo.txt or mlsetvar.txt files?
They have triggers which allow you to turn things on/off. You should be able to sort by date to see if any files have changed.
DavidShower said:
We don't use fat clients. We usually have 18-20+ users each on 16 Citrix application servers, each running off the very same Citrix image. Users hit various application servers as they long on and off during the day.
Sounds like our environment. We have a Golden Image server with 10 VM servers and 4 stand alone servers. We have found that changes we make and push out to the servers have changed for some reason, mainly Crystal Reports. Stranger things have happened.
Do you think that some users are accidentally turning MEL or SQL Trace on by hitting the control key combination when they meant to hit shift ? Then not noticing the message that MEL (or SQL) Trace was turned on ?
- Beverly
It is possible Beverly, but without installing a key logger or recording the screen, it is really hard to catch it happening.