We noticed our Mammograms were not longer mapping when getting entered via Document Manager. Turns out the Observation Term Result Code changed with either the October or November Obs Term or KB Updates. Were there notes on this that we just missed? I'm just wondering what to keep an eye out for in the future and ensure nothing else gets missed.
Updating the cross reference file fixed the problem.
Thank you for your help as always!
We had the same issue. Results started coming in as zz-unk. We found that the old cpt code was still in the cpt code field in obs head so we saw the new code in the MLcode field. I googled code and looks like old one was obsolete a long time ago. We fixed cross reference also but need to try and fix all the missing results from that time period before we fixed cross ref. I eventually heard back from GE - response below:
The Observation Term for Mammogram does have the obsoleted MLCODE of CPT-76092 in the ObsHead database table. This is incorrect and the correct code should be CPT-77055. To correct, please edit the cross-reference file for the lab codes and remove the bad CPT of CPT-76092 and correct it with the correct value of CPT-77055.
Yes, those kinds of corrections would show in release notes normally, however, this was discovered two months ago, in November and indeed had been incorrect since Jan 1, 2007. It will be corrected in a future update and will most likely will be included in the release notes of that update.
Thank you!
Ours did not start erroring out until we applied October and November knowledge base updates on December 9th. It just took us a month to catch it.
We just noticed the same thing this week. It took a lot of searching to find all of the documents that had the missing obs. I ended up having to write a bunch of sql to find it and update the zzGEUNK to the HDID of 71 on those observations.
We noticed the same thing. I researched and sent the information to the support/request GE email address listed on the observation download page to notify them.
One thing to keep in mind is if you have any old custom obs terms kits that you need to reapply for some reason, they will switch the MLI code for mammogram back to the code before the knowledge base update. I have run into this issue and we either modify the custom kits or run a script after import.
I'm not sure why GE updated the code, because the MLI code (as far as I know) is only for internal consistency. It doesn't apply to billing or anything else. I think they could have left it alone even though the billing code changed -- or picked a random value rather than using the CPT code in the first place.
We are late to the party on this one. Clinical staff has just alerted us to the fact it is not populating the flowsheet as it used to. I'd be interested in getting the sql that was used to update the ZZGEUNK to the HDID of 71.00 for this issue if anyone is willing to share it.
Unfortunately it would be custom to your environment. It would look something like this:
First you have to find the documents:
select * from person
inner join document on person.pid = document.pid
inner join doctypes on document.doctype = doctypes.dtid
inner join obs on obs.sdid = document.sdid and obs.hdid = -1
where doctype.abbr = 'Imag Rpt'
and (
document.summary like '%study description goes here%'
or document.summary like '%additional study description goes here%'
Once you had only the mammograms that you wanted updating you would add the line:
update obs set hdid = 71 where hdid = -1 and sdid in (
select document.sdid from person
If you do not know what you are doing, DONT DO THIS! I am not responsible for you destroying your database or for errors in my code.
Thank you. I thought I had found the ones we were looking to fix but was looking for another query to confirm what I was doing was on the right track. Also wasn't 100% sure about the update statement. Luckily, I will be able to run it on a test Database before attempting anything on the production server. I appreciate the response.
Have a great weekend!