Has anyone used documentation for MU audit purposes other than screen shots with datestamps by provider - specifically for drug-drug interaction and drug-allergy? We are reverting to Q1 2014 due to CQR issues and have no screenshots for that timeframe by provider. We also have a large number of providers and would prefer that we don't have to get screenshots from each one, each quarter.
Based on the help module, it seems like they are stating the application does these things "automatically" so is that enough? Our providers can't change their interaction preferences but I need to prove they can't/couldn't/didn't. GE won't provide vendor letter to support the settings.
I have various reports and audits that should prove some of this out but not sure that is enough or if that would be accepted by an auditor looking for screenshots.
Thanks in advance if you have any info.
GE later confirmed via email that Drug Allergy, Drug-Drug Interaction and Formulary are on and can't be turned off so we shouldn't need screen shots for those. Decision support and patient inquiries can be shown via audit as long as you enable the audit event on inquiries - not on by default. We are all set. Thanks.
I need the same information about the drug-drug and drug-allergy being enabled for the entire reporting period. Was there someone specific you got the email from at GE? I seem to be getting nowhere whenever I request any type of letter for them to even explain something that is a function of their system. I didn't know if you found someone helpful!