We are going the Medicaid route, and we are having issues finding reports that will give us the information for attestation. We need the following information:
- Proof of patient volume (no medical records) (NEED PROOF)
- The 90-day period in previous year that we are reporting (beginning & end) (NEED PROOF)
o 30% of patient encounters must be Medicaid
- Total number of paid patient encounters
- Total number of paid Medicaid encounters
- % of patient encounters that were paid by Medicaid
- Are any of our Medicaid patients covered by another state’s Medicaid program
- Data source used for all of this information – EHR, Billing, Appointment Book
We were told by our VAR that there aren't any reports to get this information and they would build a report to do so at a cost. Has anyone else gone the Medicaid route and how did you get this information?
Your should be able to run patient volumne/visit reports from your Practice Management System for a specified timeframe (i.e. 90 day period) as these are basic financial/operational reports.
If it isn't part of you basic reporting package, if you have access to the table views someone should be able to write a report using Crystal, MS Access or SQL to extract this information.
We don't use GE PM (EMR 9.5 oracle client) and can access all this information from our PM system withour vendor involvement.