I work with the Gonzaba Medical Group in San Antonio, Texas. Both myself and our new Director of IT will be attending CHUG in October. Our IT Director’s primary intent/goal when attending is to get together with some members of GE Management perhaps over lunch or dinner in order to create a good rapport with them. Are meetings like that possible? While he’ll be attending some individual sessions related to IT improvements etc., he is much more interested in meeting with those that are in decision making roles or those that are more involved in overseeing engineering or other aspects of GE. While I know this is a CHUG event and not being sponsored by GE/Centricity Live, I know that some GE folks do attend.
In the past, I have been able to meet with Don Sepulveda, Geoff Leay, and Hillary Scott for a little bit. Those discussions though happened more in passing than anything…a few minutes a day here or there. I know CHUG has a “Welcome to CHUG” dinner/happy hour the night before the general sessions begin, but other than that, which I’m not sure the folks from GE attend, would there be a chance to set something up? If not lunch or dinner, then perhaps a 15 – 20 minute meeting in one of the break out rooms or computer lab etc.?
If there aren’t any opportunities to meet directly with GE Management or Support staff, then perhaps he can meet with other like-minded Director of IT folks from other clinics…but I’d rather attempt to set something up rather than just get lucky by meeting in passing. Are there areas, collaboration zones, breakout sessions where he can spend most of his time attempting to meet with folks rather than just attending sessions? I just downloaded the agenda, so I’ll take a closer look and see what I can find on his behalf.
If y’all cannot assist, could someone point me in the right direction. Thanks!
I would also like to meet with GE and CHUG management. In the last CHUG meeting I attended we did have some GE management sit in on some of our seminars related to our specialty and discuss our concerns/questions, but I do not believe anything came of it. There were also labs where we sat down with a GE technical person who took information from us for product improvement, but again, no feedback on it. So yes, sitting down with someone would be great, but establishing a regular communication/feedback relationship would be better. Hopefully we can do this.
If you are able to make these arrangements I would appreciate being involved also.
Thanks for bringing this up.
Michelle Carabin
Professional Orthopaedic Associates
You might want to try contacting Amanda Mander at GE to see if you can particpate in Customer Advisory Day, which is always the day before the conference starts. You have to be invited - not sure how easy/hard it is to get on the list, but worth asking.