We have an OB Clinic and they are currently using the now not supported OB form within GE for lab tracking during pregnancy. We are noting that the drawback with the form is that it will continue to leave the previous pregnancy data as well as new. Some patients have two pregnancies in one year. We are checking to see if anyone has developed a flowsheet or a form where the offices can document the current pregnancy data. Any feedback or if someone has any forms or workflows they would be willing to share would be great. This office is looking to be able to easily document while within the office visit.
One of my predecessors created our own Prenatal Lab form. To eliminate this same issue I added an Edit Field that my users can put in a date field (label: Remove Prev. Pregnancy Labs Prior to) and then I use this date to check against the data in our Data Display Fields, which use the function LAST_SIGNED_OBS_VALUEDATE and only display the Obs that occurred on or after the date in the above mentioned Edit Field. The Obs Term I use for the Edit Field to track the date is PA_DACOADM - Pregnancy Assessment Date.
Being that this form predates me by some time, I do not know where it originally came from and I know we have partnered with such organizations as The Alliance of Chicago, so I do not know if I would have the authority to share our whole form or not, so I hope the information I provided helps you with this.
We have an OB flowsheet form that might work for you. I know there were changes made to do a calculation so older values were not picked up. Take a look and see if this will work for you.