I wanted to get some feedback on how different organizations handle certain types of obs terms. Specifically related to Pap Smear. Do you have an observation term such as PAP SMEAR specifically for the result that comes in through the interface, and then a separate observation term such as PAP INTERP for the clinicians interpretation?
Or do you utilize just one observation term for something like this.
Our current set up has the report from the lab coming in to PAP SMEAR while the clinician can then enter in an interpretation using PAP INTERP. Therefore we are managing two observation terms. Does anyone else have a set up like this?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
We have the same workflow except ours is completely opposite. Since "Risk Factors" form links to "Pap Smear" we have the lab result via interface going to the other.
Your set up is appropriate as long as the obs date is the date of the pap. There is a third obsterm, last pap dat, that could be used if the obs date is different to make recall reporting easier, if needed.
Unfortunately, the documentation workflow does make it more difficult to get the data in, but for use of the data, it is rather nice to have the dual data points (including the full detail of the report is not typically useful where interpretation only is needed/desired), so it is a draw, in my opinion.