We receive a number of CDs with diagnostic images on them in DICOM format. Most of the viewers will not work over our network so the providers are keeping the CDs at their sites. I'm looking at some open source PACS system to setup a "PACS-Lite" for these, but I would like to use the ImageLink interface so the images is tied to the chart in CPS for easy provider access.
Anyone have experience doing this?
Working for a radiology company I have some experience with this. I have all of the documentation for how the messages need to be in order to display the dicom images in the chart. I know we use a software called K-PACS in order to get DICOM images off CD's and into the PACS system. If you have any questions you can always email me. [email protected]
You could look at MicroDicom. Attach them to the chart and then associate the dicom file formats with Microdicom and they should open up in that reader the same way PDF attachments do.
You all have been very helpful!
Bovie - this works pretty well for our needs with just one or two images. However we can also get CDs with a hundred or so split into different studies. I don't want to have the Document Management team attach each separately, do you have an idea for that as well?
Good Point Not sure. Nothing I can think of as Automatic and easy without a pacs system. 🙁
I have figured out how to use microDicom with studies. Create a shared directory on a server for your "PACS server". In the shared directory create sub-directories named with the patient IDs and copy the DICOM files into that directory. In Centricity create a new command button in the patinet chart with the command = "mDicom.exe /scan \\PACSserver\Shareddirectory\{PATIENT.PATIENTID}". I'm still working on the details (different study dates) but it's a pretty good start.
Nice thanks for posting back. I'll need to try that at my group.