We are currently working to submit our PQRS measures via claims as we are not part of any registry. What are the workflows to report PQRS measures via claims? If you're not reporting through claims what are some of the workflows to report these measures through the EMR?
We are looking to hopefully come up with a better solution as it is very time consuming to report on 9+ measures for PQRS through claims. We do not use the electronic billing so we still use a paper superbill for claim entry.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Rebecca Higdon
Research Associate
UT Graduate School of Medicine
What module(s) of GE are you using? The EMR Module, CPS Module, ???
What measures are you trying to pull together? If I understand PQRS, you can choose from amongst many measures.
Do you have Crystal Reports installed? Do you have someone familiar with Crystal to be able to search and report through the GE data?