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Is there a data symbol or some other way to add 'Page N of X' to the handouts - either in the Header or in the handout template? I don't see a data symbol.
Posted : September 24, 2020 10:28 am
If you go into "Change Handout Header", there is a button on the upper right labeled "Insert Page Number". If you place it in your Header it will show as a shaded number 1, but it will increment if the handout if more than one page. Not quite "page n of x" but at least a page number.
Another option: in the Handout template, you can force page breaks with {numtoascii(012)}, then hardcode "Page 2 of 2" at the top. This would only work if the handouts are static enough to predict where the page breaks should go.
Posted : September 25, 2020 9:33 am