We are on GE Version: and we are having trouble when some of our providers are in chart their panes continually are coming undocked. They will right click and dock all panes and when they go into another update they are again undocked. We are told by GE that this is a known issue and that is fixed in version 10. My question is this, is anyone else having this issue and is it indeed fixed in version 10. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are getting no help from GE. Thanks in advance.
Yes, we have seen this problem many times. We just upgraded to CPS 10 a week ago and I haven't seen it yet, but I'm not crossing my fingers. This has been a "known issue" for years. We saw it on v9.0.1, then on v9.0.3, and your seeing it on 9.5. CPS has a bunch of these small, but very annoying problems that never get fixed, version after version. But hey, they made everything blue! That was an important change.
We also had the problem with the panes undocking before we went to 10.0 in November of 2011. Since we went to 10.0 in November of 2011 and to 10.1.3 and the panes have behaved. So, yes, the panes issue is resolved in version 10.