We print the Prenatal Record to send to the Hospital but the patient name and date of birth does not print on every page. The hospital does not want to accept it unless the patient name and date of birth is on every page. Does anyone know how to get the patient name and date of birth to automatically show on the top of every page?
Well, first off you could embed the patient name and dob into the Letter Header.
If you wanted to get fancier, I suppose you could create an IF statement to check and see if the info should be printed. Off the top of my head, wonder if you could utilize the {PRINT_TITLE} command to handle the on/off. Store the result of the command to a variable, and then if the result equals a particular string then print the patient name and dob, otherwise print nothing.
I've done headers, footers, tables and other advanced formatting by using a copy of Microsoft Word 2003. We keep it just for this purpose. Set up your letter with the data symbols in the header of the Word document, then paste into your letter template.
We have an OB Summary Report set up as a handout and it has the Patient Name on each page but not the dob and the pages are numbered, if that helps any.
Thanks for the information. I copied the letter to handouts and added the Date of Birth to the letterhead so now the name and date of birth is on every page to send to hospital.