Has anyone upgraded to Patient Portal 8 and if so are there any issues with it so far?
We were part of the LA group and have been on Portal 8 for a few weeks. No problems for us. Staff love the updates!
I would be happy to answer any specific questions you may have. Just shoot me an email at [email protected]
Amanda Koenig
ROC Orthopedics
We haven't started using any new features but the upgrade was smooth and functionality has not been affected
Your portal looks really nice (and a lot like your website). I am assuming this is the Kryptiq product we are talking about, right? Is it easier to customize than older versions?
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
Yes, we use the Kryptiq (Sure Scripts) portal. I think this version is definitely easier to customize, but not without flaws. There are a few things I would like to see changed, but overall, I think the customization was easy.
I can't take credit for the look and feel of our portal. We recently changed our name, logo, colors, etc. We paid Sure Scripts a fee to redesign for us. I can't remember the exact amount, but when compared to my time to redo the entire site, the fee was reasonable.
Hope that helps.
Amanda Koenig
ROC Orthopedics
I would like to revise my previous reply.
We have a database corruption issue that stemmed from the upgrade.
Surescripts / GE has a Fix for this as it occurred in LA of Portal 8
We will apply the Script later today
The datatbase corruption resulted in problems about 4-5 days after install
Multiple integration failures and inability to link accounts started cascading.
More to follow after the fix
What version of Centricity are you on? I was wondering if we could upgrade to version 8 without being on CPS12.3?
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
We are still on CPS, so yes you can upgrade to SMPP 8 without CPS 12.3. I believe the only feature that will not work is the new patient education from SMPP. This wasn't a big deal for us.
How is Patient Portal 8 working after the fix was applied? Are you on version 8.0.4?
How is Patient Portal 8 working for you now since the fix was applied and what version are you on?
Our upgrade was not very smooth. Took a rebuild of the database and a script to be run. Problem was bounced around between surescripts and GE a couple of times. On the plus side all seems to be working after the hassle.
We upgraded Thursday of last week and it has not been smooth. The portal keeps shutting down and messaging the same way. We have been working with GE but it is still an issue. We are on CPS 12.0.13. Has anyone experience this and if so, how did you fix it?
We are on 12.0.11 and upgrade to Portal 8 last week with no issues so far.