Checking to see if anyone has created a report for tracking the timeliness of phone notes being addressed/completed in CPS and would be willing to share. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Sirna
Yep! I've attached the report and the stored procedure in a ZIP file. I imagine you'll have to do some tweaking, but hopefully this will give you some ideas, at least. I apologize that the procedure isn't very well documented, but I'm happy to answer any questions. PhoneNoteTimeline
Oops... I forgot to give you my list-parsing function. You may not need it at all; if you're only reporting on one location, you'll want to remove all the LOCREG stuff anyway. But if you need it, here it is... cmc_fnParseDelimitedList
Hi Ron,
Do you have a sample of the report that we could take a look at?
Thank you.
I did a quick redact by simply removing the patient names. Just be aware you'd normally see the names in that empty column. PhoneNoteTimeline