Does anyone on the surescripts portal know how to run a report that would show all LINKED patients vs unlinked ? We can't find in the database where this information is stored
I would like that information as well. We were recently given 2 reports that were developed by Surescripts but we can not get them to work and the one we did get to work does not seem accurate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
THank you
Terry would you mind sharing what Surescripts gave you?
Here is a query from a crystal report I have that returns a list of all portal users and shows the MRN if they are linked. We use externalID for everything so it shows that. You may need to modify DPartner.ServiceType=2 to be something else if you do not use externalid. Also, if you remove the "DPartner.ServiceType is null" it will not show unlinked accounts. Make sure to put your email domain where I put ##PUTYOURDOMAINHERE##
Here is the crystal report. You can not import it into Centricity so you will have to have some way of running Crystal Reports locally. (ie: Crystal Reports, Logicity, etc.)
Here is the SQL from the report. It is messy because I did not clean up what was written by Crystal Reports.
SELECT DCommunity.Name, KUser.Name, KUser.UserName, KUser.Description, DPartner.ServiceType, KEmailAddress.EmailAddress, KUser.CreationDate, DPartner.Identifier, KEmailAddress.IsDefault
FROM Enterprise.dbo.KEmailAddress KEmailAddress INNER JOIN (((Enterprise.dbo.DCommunityAccount DCommunityAccount LEFT OUTER JOIN Enterprise.dbo.DPartner DPartner ON DCommunityAccount.DCommunityAccountKey=DPartner.DCommunityAccountKey) INNER JOIN Enterprise.dbo.DCommunity DCommunity ON DCommunityAccount.DCommunityKey=DCommunity.DCommunityKey) INNER JOIN Enterprise.dbo.KUser KUser ON DCommunityAccount.UserID=KUser.UserID) ON KEmailAddress.UserID=KUser.UserID
WHERE (DPartner.ServiceType IS NULL OR DPartner.ServiceType=2) AND KEmailAddress.EmailAddress NOT LIKE '%@##PUTYOURDOMAINHERE##' AND (KUser.Name IS NOT NULL OR KEmailAddress.EmailAddress NOT LIKE '%@%direct%') AND KEmailAddress.IsDefault=1
ORDER BY DCommunity.Name