We have a problem with staff discarding documents (specifically phone notes) before they have been signed. This results in necessary documentation being removed from a patients chart. Since there is no way to disable the discard button for certain users does anyone have suggestions on how to control this? We have implemented a new workflow where all documents that need to be discarded are to be routed to our office manager with an explanation to why it is to be discarded. Our providers are not happy with this workflow but at the time it is necessary since we are having to monitor this due to some unfortunate instances when relevant documents have been discarded. We are also running an audit every three weeks on discarded documents and following up on any that do not have an explanation for removal.
Has anyone else had this problem in their clinic? If so, how did you handle it?
Does anyone know if an enhancement request has been made to allow disabling of the discard button? Or to allow recovery of discarded documents? I am planning to put one in but have not done so before so I am unsure of the process.
We had this same issue and unfortunately there is no real good way to stop them other than this similar workflow. We did setup a report that runs weekly via SSRS that shows all discards and who did it and those that are not approved to discard, are written up. This has worked fairly well and does seem to reinforce that just because they can do something, it doesn't mean they necessarily are allowed to do it.
If you are on CPS 12 and have SSRS setup, I would be happy to send you the report.
That would be great to have as an option. Please send it to me, [email protected]. Thanks!!
I also have a SQL stored procedure that takes the text from the document and puts it into a backup table on any discarded document. The text can then be recovered easily. The same stored procured also removes documents over 30 days old from the backup table. I can share if you are interested. It would require someone with SQL experience to manage.
Slick idea Ernie.
I'd be very interested in the SQL store procedure that you have that backs up your discarded documents. Thank you.
Here you guys go. This will create the CUS_DOCUMENT_BACKUP table and the stored proc document_save_to_cus_document_backup on the table document. It also deletes anything in the CUS_DOCUMENT_BACKUP table older than 30 days.
To recover the text of a document you would need to do the following
1) Get the PID of the patient from the PatientProfile table
2) Then select * from CUS_DOCUMENT_BACKUP where PID = PID from step 1
3) You are looking for the hold text and note text.
For CPS only.
Run at your own risk.
If you are uncomfortable run by GE or your VAR before putting it into place.
Do not attempt to run if don't have the SQL knowledge to do so.