Is anyone using Qvera Interface Engine? Would you be willing to share a copy of the help manual that comes with that product? We are trying to figure out if QIE would work for a current project but our VAR is unable to provide us any kind of documentation whatsoever. The Qvera website is equally uninformative. How can we be expected to purchase a product when no one can tell us what its features and capabilities are? Amazing. Anyway, if you have a help/setup manual from a local installation and you would be willing to share, that would be great. You can send it to me directly at jkbelcher at gmail.
I may be able to be of assistance. We are using Qvera and are very pleased. Which wouldbe more helpful: immunization interface or TOC interface?
Tim Pierson
Woodcreek Healthcare
A kind CHUG user sent me a copy of the manual so I may be set. What is a TOC interface?
TOC = Transition of Care.
You could also contact Qvera directly. There support is really excellent.
Hi Justin,
We contracted with Qvera for our Immunization interface a little over a year ago - they've been so good we now have 11 channels doing various projects both MU and non-MU related - give them a shot, I bet you'll be pleased. They were even able to help us fix the outbound transition of care document!
Great, thanks everyone.