I am curious to see how other users operate with out-going Referrals/Orders. We are an internal medicine practice with 10 providers and on average have between 800-950 referrals/orders each month. The referrals/orders include Consults for Neuro, Ortho, Cards, etc. and Orders including CT, MRI's, U/S, etc.
When the provider enters the referral or order the flag goes to the desktop of our referral coordinator and it is up to one person to make that appointment and get in touch with the patient with the details. Ideally the appointment would be scheduled before the patient leaves the office but we usually have to get PA for imaging test or have to wait on the other office because they request medical records. With such a large amount of referrals, how are other offices handling their workflows and keeping track of their referrals? How many staff members do you have in your referral department, etc.
I have created a Referral Dashboard, the main office I work at currently uses it to manage all their referrals and assign it to other users within the referral group. Check it out, there are video demos :
We had over 900 last month. Sounds like we use the same workflow, except we have more than one person doing the referrals. We have a shared box that each coordinator can access they pick the next one and take it from there to their own desktop. Currently we have 4 individuals doing referrals. Our quality dept has someone that runs reports, of in process referrals and checks to see if we need to request records and completes them upon receipt. Also our document management team completes them when records come in thru fax or direct messaging.