We are looking for a better way to track incoming orders and outgoing. Is anyone using the orders module to do this? We do not utilize this piece at all and there's no documentation out there from GE on using it unless I missed it.
Thanks in advance for any insight
We use the Referral Tracking tool by Visualutions for our referrals. The orders module is a little weird, and not always correct, as you cannot remove a signed order, even if it was in error. For our other orders, we rely on our billing data to see what we actually charged for, and then our SQL reports guy does a lot of custom reports with that data, and results in OBs terms, to track which patients need recalls or anything like that
We are primary care, so we only have outgoing referrals. We use the referrals feature in orders. We track referrals using the Orders Status report (found in the Medicalogic folder in Chart Reports).
What platform are you on? CPS or CEMR?
We have a solution (mention above) that is extremely popular with outbound referrals and CPS.
Would you like to discuss this software?
[email protected]
Thank you. WE are on EMR with NextGen pm. We actually have your brochure here for our next meeting and when that happens we will be bringing your product up and i'm sure they powers that be will want a demo. I will be reaching out in the future i'm sure.