We have 11 clinics all in a shared centricity environment all billing normal 1500 professional type billing and it's worked well for us for years. However, we are looking at shifting 7 of these clinic to Rural Health Clinics which requires us to bill them on both a 1500 and a UB04. Talking with GE we have to split our db and set everything up new for these 7 clinics which defeats the purpose of having a community record if I can't tie them together.
Has anyone been through this already and/or do you know of a good billing company we can export or interface the charges for the RHC's clinics too so we don't have a huge expense in duplicate systems for a while?
I don't know much about how the billing works. However, I know that we have both 1500 and UB04 claims configured.
It's configured under Administration > Reports > Business Report Criteria > Claims. The form used can be configured based on provider, facility, company, insurance carrier, and so on.
Is that what you need to do?
You do not have to split your DB up. Centricity can bill straight 1500's, provider base, and RHC billing.
We're in the process of moving several of our clinics to Rural Health status too. In the end, we will bill three different ways out of Centricity using the same DB.
Visualutions has a plugin that will split the billing up. We currently use the plugin to split our provider based clinics. The plugin works well for us.