Does anyone know of a way to set an appt type to have a background color other than white when scheduled? One of our providers wants a way to easily differentiate between a surgery and an office visit. I looked at creating a status type but only the defaulted "Registered/Ready for nurse" type will cover the whole box.
I don't believe there's a way to change the background color, but you can change the color that shows on the right side of each appointment depending on the appointment type. When you're in administration and editing the Appointment type, you can change the color drop-down there.
Located under Administration > Appointment Types > [Find your appropriate appointment type] > Edit > Change [Color] drop-down to something else.
The only other thing I could think of is the appointment slots, those colors can be changed depending on the schedule template. But I don't think that's what you're asking.
Thank you. We do have the color set to populate on the right of the appt. I have also suggested that we create a "status" titled Surgery that the nurse could enter when creating the appt so that the color also appears to the left of the appt. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a setting somewhere that would allow us to change the white background.