When a patient checks in and is ready for the nurse to room them they turn "blue" on the schedule. Is there an option in GE that someone knows of to let the provider know when the nurse is done and the provider can see the patient.
Thank you in advance for your help.
you could always have the nurse then change the appointment status as well to another color which would then indicate they are done. You could even customize it. Say they need xrays, it changes to another color, needs injections is another color. etc etc etc
Under appointment status in Administration we have used a different color for When patient arrives which the box is Blue with the red on left; with Nursing is Blue with the Orange (triaging)then they will change the status to Exam Room letting the doctor know patient is ready and the scheduled appointment will turn blue with the green on left.
Not sure if this is what you were asking.
Thank you so much for your help. You just made my day!!!!
Merry Christmas.
To be quite honest in our clinic when the nurse is done with the patient, they send the document to the provider, so when the visit appears on their desktop, the patient is ready for them....
That is what we do currently. This works for every providers except our General Surgeons. They do not want to walk out to the patient room or to the nurses station unless they know the patient is ready for them. They do not look at their inbox to see if the document has been sent to them. They are a little spoiled 🙂
We actually created visit type's " in room ready" " in lab" " discharged" etc so everyone can see the patient status and movement from either schedule view