Suggestions for cleaning up service providers? When we started there were a few people adding to this and duplicates were created, now after a few years we know providers have changed locations or retired. How do others keep this clean?
Is there a report to list all service providers?
I don't have any suggestions for you, but I certainly would like to hear any responses from others regarding this topic. It is something we struggle with, as well.
Admin, Codes, Charts, Service Providers
Change or remove
There is not a "report" listing service providers
If there is an "in Process' referral tied to that service provider it will not let us remove it. Do all referrals need to be "Complete" for that specialist before it can be removed?
Here is a query for pulling service providers (EMR-Oracle but may work on CPS - not sure if the tables are the same).
select sp.provlastname,sp.provfirstname,sp.specialty,bs.searchname, bs.address1,bs.address2,,bs.state,, bs.primphone,bs.secphone from ml.servprov sp, bs where sp.busid = bs.busid and sp.status = 'A' order by sp.provlastname
Use this query for CPS:
Would any of you know how to make a service provider the default for a referral or test so that the physician does not have to select it every time he orders? Some of our orders are already set up this way, but I cannot seem to figure out how this was done! It would seem like a very simple process, but I'm probably missing the obvious. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Thank you, David.
Natalie - Go, Setup, Settings, Orders, Codes & Categories and whichever type of order you are working on. You can do this at the Category level or the individual order level. Click Change, New and you get the Plan Specific information. Click the Default Plan Information for Category check box at the bottom. Click New and you can set up the service provicer. Make sure you check it as the preferred. Be sure you set your location of care too.