A provider received this popup error yesterday. He had 2 documents on hold. When he tried to sign off on one, this appeared:
Privilege History and Physical Note - Imp - SIGN not found in Privilege Table.
I have never seen this.. could not sign it. This morning, the message was no longer there, and provider was able to sign. Does anyone know if this is due to a locked record, because there were 2 documents open ?? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you.
John Mazurowski
MVHS - Mohawk Valley Health Systems
[email protected]
I think I remember this one. There are 3 or 4 document types that are used behind the scenes by GE and they don't get listed in the document signing privileges. Unfortunately, they do show in the user interface and can be chosen for a document type manually by a user when they start an update. I believe they all have IMP and EXP in the names - for import and export. I notified GE about this as an issue in CEMR 9.8 a few service packs ago. Sounds like your fixed itself but if one later doesn't fix itself you are going to need to change the document type (if you can) to another document type. You might have to update it in the DOCUMENTS tables if you can't do it through the interface (or have GE do it for you). You usually have to have rights to sign both the before and after document types to be able to change it.