I have a stack of visibility regions and within those regions I need to stack other visibility regions. What is the trick to getting this to work?? Each time I try to add a visibility region within a visibility region it wants to add it to the "first" stack. I've gotten it to work after MANY attempts but feel it was pure luck that I had success. I'm sure there is an easier way than the "If at first you don't succeed..." method I am using.
What I have found helpful is this process:
1. Add a couple of edit boxes inside the original visibility region.
2. Create the new visibility region outside of the original visibility region and make sure you have at least one element inside of it -- if nothing else some blank text.
3. Make sure you have the entire new visibility region selected and then drag/place it between the two edit boxes. Once you have your visibility where you want it you can delete the edit boxes.
For some reason if you create a couple of spacer elements it goes a long way to setting a visibility region inside of another. I hope this helps.
I'm not sure if I follow you correctly, but if you have a 'secondary' visibility region that you want embedded within the 'primary' visibility region, you can hold the SHIFT key while dragging the 'secondary' region to where you want it and you can drop it to the RIGHT of whichever field you are near.
Hope this helps
Maybe you can help trouble shoot this issue as well??
None of my "secondary" visibility regions are showing within CPS. They are all set up in this fashion:
Radio button with variable name: PSA. Choice list is: PSA ordered.,Next PSA due:
Visibility region is configured as: DOCUMENT.PSA == "Next PSA due:
I have also tried {DOCUMENT.PSA == "Next PSA due."}
From what you posted, I just think you need a closing quote on your first example. Try:
DOCUMENT.PSA == "Next PSA due:"
I'm sorry. I left that off by mistake. It is currently configured with the end quotation mark. The only difference from what you posted is that there is a space after the colon.
DOCUMENT.PSA == "Next PSA due: "
What you have typed should work. You just need to make sure that the string in quotes is exactly like the text in the radio button. If there are any extra spaces or the capitalization is different it won't work. The other thing I would look at, is right clicking on the visibility region that sits on top (the one you are having problems with) and choose 'Move Forward'. It's possible that it is sitting behind another visibility region. In that case it is displaying, you just aren't seeing it because it is covered up.
I have double checked the statements many times to be sure they were exactly the same. I tried 'Move Forward' and that made no difference. Just for fun, I moved the secondary visibility region to an area on the form where I could be sure it wasn't being covered up and it still does not display.
I'm losing my mind here.
I modified the dlg you posted. I think it was getting caught up on the space at the end of "Next PSA Due: " -- however, I'm not sure why since the way you had it written should work. Since the radio button was not writing to the note, I removed the space in the radio button and changed the visibility region to: DOCUMENT.PSA == "Next PSA due:". This fixed the visibility region not displaying for me. I hope this helps.