Hello Fellow Chuggers!
Sort of new to VFE and I need some help. I am trying to add the units of measure to an in house lab result form. For example, my Glucose (fingerstick) result is 85 so my text translation in the chart is Glucose (fingerstick): 85. I want it to say Glucose (fingerstick): 85 mg/dL. Where/how can I add the units of measure in the text translation so they will populate in the chart note?
This is what I have now....
{CFMT(OBSNOW("BG Finger"), "", "Glucose (fingerstick): ", "B", "
Thank you!
{CFMT(OBSNOW(“BG Finger”), “”, “Glucose (fingerstick): “, “B”, ” mg/dl
VFE will build that for you as well. In the chart note, it only says the name of the field with the formatting. If you press "create" it will open that lower/top box, check out the post text annotation I added. The way it is setup it will end up with "85mg/dL" if you want a space between the "85" and the "mg/dL" you will need to add a space in the posttext before the "mg/dL"
"include trailing return" will make that the last entry on that line. The rest is pretty self explanatory. Need anything else, feel free to reach out.
Thank you so much! That worked perfectly!