We are being told by GE that we need a gigabyte connection to the desktop for CPS 11. What is the general consensus? Did anyone or everyone need to do this?
"Network: Gigabit (1000Base-T) preferred"
Keyword here is preferred... this is the same workstation network requirement listed for CPS 9.5 and CPS 10 in their respective documents. We have several workstations that run local client installations of CPS 9.5 over our wireless network without any issues in speed or performance.
Source: Configuring Environments for Centricity Practice Solution, Version 11.0, December 2012
Conda said:
We are being told by GE that we need a gigabyte connection to the desktop for CPS 11. What is the general consensus? Did anyone or everyone need to do this?
Wow, this one snuck past me. We are going to upgrade in the fall and I have two remote sites with <1000mbit.
Anyone have feedback on this?
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
How are you deploying? Citrix? RDP? RemoteApp? 2X?
If you are doing that way, you will be fine. Doubt very many of us have a 1Gb Wan connection to all sites.
I have a 50Mbp at our main site with a back 20Mb at another. Then all others are either 6Mb or 3Mb pipes.
Have a few issues but only when we find employees streaming pandora or watching youtube.
+1 on ErnieT's reply. We run 10Mb at our main site, with 10Mb at three remote sites that are 20+ miles from the main site. No major problems, but our remote sites only host 6 employees each.
We run Remote Desktop at 18 offices with connections between 2.5M and 5M and don't have any issues related to bandwidth. If you're planning to run CPS 11 as a fat client, then I would say you would need a lot more bandwidth.
ErnieT said:
How are you deploying? Citrix? RDP? RemoteApp? 2X?
Fat clients, although this news makes me want to go thin. I avoided it so far because my users get confused easily and they do have patients bringing in PACS images on CD, one of which requires admin rights for the viewer (not an option for me). Doctors also want to use Dragon Naturally Speaking and I haven't had any success with USB redirection. I have supported Citrix in the past and I don't like some things about it. I do LOVE other things about it though.
Which would be better? VMWare View or Citrix? I already have a VMWare infrastructure in place.
Mitch Kwiatkowski said:
We run Remote Desktop at 18 offices with connections between 2.5M and 5M and don't have any issues related to bandwidth. If you're planning to run CPS 11 as a fat client, then I would say you would need a lot more bandwidth.
We have done OK with 100 mbit all these years but I have been chasing a problem lately which may be bandwidth related. I have about 30 users sharing the 100mbit at the remote site and I am pretty sure that won't be enough. Monthly recurring $$ for gigabit makes no sense when I can deploy thin technology instead.
I would go thin. We use RemoteApp and haven't had to many issues. Biggest issue is scanning. We use RemoteScan to connect the local scanners to the server and it works without a problem.
On dragon, we use it also but as a local install on the workstation, that way we do not have to do usb redirection. If you go this way, I would highly, and I mean highly, recommend that your users that will be using it, let them have laptops with it loaded. Then they can take it where every they are working and dragon will work great.
One thing on dragon and thin client (if dragon is installed locally) is that it will have trouble with capitalization. You can get around that with using the dictation box and transferring the text to centricity.