How is everyone managing their Warfarin patients within the EMR?
We had been utilizing the CPOE-Anticoagulation-CCC form until that broke with the discontinuation of Coumadin. However, even with that form we were finding problems with our Med Lists being accurate.
Often times staff was leaving Warfarin medications on the list because the patient still has them at home but is currently taking a different dose. For example; patient was previously taking one 2mg tablet with one half of a 1mg tablet. So the patient had Warfarin 2mg and Warfain 1mg on their med list. Dose changed to Warfarin 5mg daily so a prescription for Warfarin 5mg was sent in and is now on the patients med list. Staff does not remove the Warfarin 2mg and Warfarin 1mg meds from their list because it is likely they will use those meds again after the patients next INR check.
This makes the current med list inaccurate. Another reason some staff prefer to leave these on the current med list is so that they can know what strengths the patient has on hand at home by looking at the chart. If the dose changes back to 2.5 in 2 weeks they would just instruct the patient to begin taking the Warfarin 2mg and Warfarin 1mg tabs again and would not need to send in a new Rx.
We do have some staff that would remove the Warfarin 2mg and Warfarin 1mg meds and then re-add them when they begin using them again. But this is resulting in NUMEROUS inactive Warfarin meds since we can't re-activate meds.
There has to be a better way...…
Looking for any input on workflows so we can try to troubleshoot the issues we have.