I finally called and placed a ticket. I tried to used the site to place via EMR but noticed all the product info was wrong so requested that be fixed as well.
I had closed cases i was using for reference waiting for supposed fixes in the future. I was using the support site to keep track of them, so I have no list now.
Hi Peter- the tools team has fixed your account and I verified that you can now see Solutions/products on the Salesforce portal when you log in.
Thank you!
Rob Armstrong
Director, Centricity Practice Solution & Centricity EMR Support
GE Healthcare Digital
yes I can now see 2 products, EHR and Portal. I thought we had 3 on the old site (I didn't have EMR forever even though we have owned it it since 98 and just had gotten that resolved LOL).
But doesn't matter, Important thing is i can open cases. Like opening a case to have a case that was closed without confirming first to be reopened. I would be great if i could get a list of all old cases, just the description and case number at least.
Rob from GE jumped in and fixed my problems, also provided a dump of my previous cases that were not carried over.
Thanks Rob.