I am analyzing the workflow of providers responding to eRX refill requests. Our current workflow is to append the request with a new encounter, use the "eScriptMessenger - Rx Refills" form to respond, then sign the append.
Are there any other options or possibilities for streamlining this process? Is your workflow the same?
This is our process as well, with no small amount of problems. The eRx refill request needs to be final-signed by the provider (an authorized prescribing provider) in 24 hours or the request does not go to the pharmacy. We found this out the hard way when many of our refill requests were not making it to the pharmacy because they had not been signed off by the providers.
In our previous e-prescribing system, the staff could send a prescription under the authorization of the provider and it went to the pharmacy. Well, not so with the eRx refill request form. If that provider does not sign off on that script, it will not go. I hate to admit it, but we have found that our staff have been bypassing the eRx form and using the regular refill request form and that will send the script to the pharmacy. It has not been a clean process. Some clinics are better at following the process than others.
Wendy Walecka