Is anyone experiencing the 700 error below? We get a bunch of these each day and depending on who you speak with in support, they give a different answer. I got one saying that the Medication name changed since last eRx. Also, I got this is a known bug that will be fixed in future releases. The workaround is to note there was a technical error, print the erx out and and give it to the patient. How are other organization dealing with this? thx
*this whole thing is only one error message.
700 medName different:
medDirections different:
prescriberLast different:
prescriberFirst different:
prescriberAddress1 different:
prescriberAddress2 different:
prescriberCity different:
earliestFill different:
I started a public spreadsheet to track eRx errors. Unfortunately your specific error isn't listed. Please feel free to let me know if/when you find a cause and resolution.
Spreadsheet URL:
New error submission form:
If you think this may be related to the new prescriptions form and workflow - I strongly encourage you to start a ticket with Virence. I'm hoping the more information they have the better they can make SP3 before it's released.
We just implemented EPCS and started receiving these errors also. Here is what we were told by Athenahealth.
_______ Athenahealth response ________
Please note:
- These occur on EPCS scripts when the provider information entered in the pharmacy’s system does not exactly match the information in the Surescripts system for that provider.
- Examples include: boulevard spelled out instead of blvd.
- Name all caps instead of normal captilization.
- Having an address line 2 suite # when Surescripts does not (or vice-versa).
- These errors can also occur if the provider address information does not exactly match in the CPS provider information screen, and the DEA entry for the same provider.
The work around for this scenario is:
- Deny the refill request, then issue a new RX for the same medicine.
- Or call the pharmacy and have them edit the provider information in their system to match what you see for entered in the actual 700 error message for name, address 1, address 2, city, zip, state. Then have them issue another request.
This is targeted to be fixed in CPS v19 or V19 SP1.
Hello good afternoon I was just wondering if happen to fix this known issue and if you did how? Thank you in advance for your help.