We are currently on Centricity version Would anyone know which option to choose with our current version for ACI reporting?
Hi Derek,
You will need to use the 2017 Advancing Care Information Transition Objectives and Measures because is certified to the 2014 criteria. Depending on what reporting period you chose for "pick your pace" in 2017 you may upgrade to 12.3 this year and have both the 2014 and 2015 certified products, but even then you can use the transitional measures.
The QPP website has a good explanation of which measure set to use with which certified edition (just remember that below 12.3 is 2014 certified): https://qpp.cms.gov/measures/aci
Hope that helps!
Laurie Drennn
I have the same question but we are on Centricity EMR 9.8.11. Can someone tell me which certified edition that is?
Hi Laurie,
Thank you so much for the information. You, and the QPP website, helped out immensely. Again, thank you very much.
Derek Maxson
This link will get you the information you will need:
Click on this link within that URL from above:
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