Good afternoon,
Can someone give me some guidance in getting customs handouts counted in the MU Activity Log in CQR. I have the following created in EFE. This MEL isn't counted ...
{PRINTHANDOUT("Handouts\CANM\Weight Reduction Diet"){ADD_MUActivity_Log(12,"USER.LOGINNAME","Handouts\CANM\Weight Reduction Diet")}} {OBSNOW("HLTHWTED","Educational handout of a weight reduction diet was given")}
I am not having any success getting this counted .
Any and all suggestions are appreciated !!!
Rosemary Lust, RN
Ambulatory Systems
Management Information Systems
North Mississippi Health Services
Cardiology Associates of North Mississippi
[email protected]
Try taking out the double quotes around USER.LOGINNAME:
{ADD_MUACTIVITY_LOG(12,USER.LOGINNAME,"Handouts\CANM\Weight Reduction Diet")}
Hi Rosemary,
I had trouble with this, too. I got it to work finally but then got a "DATABASE NOT CHANGE" error and could not discard the test form. I clearly made a mess somewhere. I had to add a couple of functions which might have caused the error but I can't see where. I don't know if it's the version of EMR we are on - we are on 9.8.3_0 - we are quite a bit behind on the updates. I put in a ticket to our help desk and will let you know if I find out anything. It's such a great idea if we can get it wo work for us.
I am having the same troubles with the "DATABASE NOT CHANGE" error. Mine is not counting in CQR either. We are still on Client Version:
My code is working and looks slightly different: (1) I have a slash before the word Handouts; (2) I used the / slash instead of the \ slash.
{ADD_MUACTIVITY_LOG(12,USER.LOGINNAME,"/Handouts/CANM/Weight Reduction Diet")}
I am also getting the "DATABASE NOT CHANGE" error with the MEL_ADD_FHX. Anyone else been able to get this function to work?
Yep changed \ to / and mine worked too. Thank you soooo much! It also will put the name of your hand out in the "Reading" section of the new CVS.
Thanks for all the help !!!
Mine are showing in the ACTIVITY_LOG_EVENT now
Can someone tell me what it means when the Delivery method=null?
See below..
ACTIVITY_LOG_EVENTWed, 15 Jul 2015Activity log type= PatientEducationProvided Delivery method= null
Thanks again for everyone help !!!!!
There is a known issue regarding not being able to discard a document where an item was written to the MUActivityLog. The "DATABASE NOT CHANGE" is the pop up that presents when a discard is attempted. The SPR is 59418 and the work around is to sign the document and file it in error. This item is in the SPR backlog though so I'd recommend reporting it to get some focus to it and hopefully prioritized at a higher level for resolution.