Hi there, i was wondering if there are companies providing help with Meaningful Use. The guy who was in charge in our company had to start a medical school and now i just don't have enough time to go over it .
Are there any companies that can help with Meaningful Use?
Most of our providers passed stage 2 last year and this year we mostly need help with stage 3 and only one provider is at stage 1 and he'll be trying to pass to stage 2.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
P.S. Our clinic is located in CO.
www.polaris-danforth.com ask for Sandra really knowledgeable and helpful.
Polaris seems like they will help. I'm waiting for a phone-call from Sandra. Thank you.
If you need a back up to Polaris, we utilize "MU On Call" support from KPMG (formerly Beacon Partners). I am dedicated for MU but I have appreciated their help to confirm information that I found to be ambiguous or when I couldn't find an answer to an MU related question. Price is fair from our perspective.
My primary contact is Helayne O'Keiff
Hi, Hayes can also help with MU and we have a great system for tracking, educating, and staying on top of meeting the measures. Shoot me an email and I'll get you to the right person. [email protected]
I would be happy to provide some information regarding our Meaningful Use Consulting services. If you would like to email me your contact information I'd be happy to reach out and share what we have done for some of our sites.
Christal Lash | Clinical Applications Manager | Engage | [email protected] | 509.252.6751 | engage.xyz