Could someone explain to me the difference, in CQR, between Numerator and Numerator Recorded. For example on a measure I show a denominator of 655, numerator met of 20 and numerator unmet of 635. That makes sense to me because the met and unmet add up to the denominator. However, off to the right side there is another box that says the numerator recorded is 76. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
From what we were told the numerator recorded is how many times the numerator is "ticked" regardless of patient. The best way I can describe it is with Patient Education. Let's say 1 patient has been supplied 5 patient educations. You'd have 1 in the numerator, 1 in the denominator and 5 in the numerator recorded.
Not entirely sure why they show us this but maybe to help with testing/verification of numbers (hahaha, like the CQR numbers make sense).
Thanks Mike. That's exactly what I needed to know cause patient education was the exact measure I was talking about.
No problem!
Thank you! I was wondering the same thing. So confusing 🙂