Is anyone aware of a problem with the Core 05 denominator totals?
Our 05 denominator is reporting a different total than our Core 03, 06 and 07 reports, where they should all be the same. The MU reports manual describes the denominator for all these reports the same, as "Count one for every patient seen by the eligible provider."
We submitted our 90-day attestation and three of our providers were rejected because their core 05 denominator was not the same as 03, 06 and 07. However, most of our other providers were not rejected, yet their 05 denominator was different as well.
Anybody else experiencing this?
Anna Rodrigue
DFD Russell Medical Centers
I haven't seen this, but it's possible for it to happen if you run one of the reports after an additional office visit is signed. The reports are based off of signed office visits. If you run reports at different times, you risk different denominators because it gives docs a chance to sign another office visit and include an additional patient in the denominator.
I re-ran all the reports today. The 05 total was still higher than the others. Though like you mentioned, I did find most of the report totals to be higher than previously run, due to an increase in signed documents since the original report was run. But the 05 should be the same regardless, if the reports are generated on the same day.
I'm going to submit a SR to GE to get their feedback on this as well.