Does anyone have any great ideas about how to encourage patients to use their Portal? We have some offices (Family Med and Endo) that receive several messages, but some specialties don't get any, mainly becuase they don't have that long term relationship with the patient I think.. All patients are given a PIN. We have had raffles if they register to the portal. We have given them the ability to send in their blood sugar results, blood pressure recording, request a refill among other things. Any hints, ideas, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Dawn Duschel LPN
EMR Support
UAP Clinic
How does any company encourage visitors? It makes the content valuable to the consumer. If the website is boring, lame, and not useful, then people will not visit. And the answer is not just 'more stuff', but useful information and links. (Think google)
So, useful reference sites and information.
Search, that can also go outside your domain for medical information.
Patient tools: schedule, review results, make appointments, etc...
Videos on topics: different types of tests, screenings, etc..., so patients know what to expect.
Actively managed - don't expect the site to generate traffic if you still have announcements about blah-blah in October. Should be updated with content frequently.
So, think about the websites you go to, and why. Bring someone on-board, maybe half-time, to help manage content and do updating. The more you invest in it, the better it will be, and the more regular the patients will be.
Lastly, make sure the website is prominent on your brochures, appt cards, etc..
joeg1962 said:
How does any company encourage visitors? It makes the content valuable to the consumer. If the website is boring, lame, and not useful, then people will not visit. And the answer is not just 'more stuff', but useful information and links. (Think google)
So, useful reference sites and information.
Search, that can also go outside your domain for medical information.
Patient tools: schedule, review results, make appointments, etc...
Videos on topics: different types of tests, screenings, etc..., so patients know what to expect.
Actively managed - don't expect the site to generate traffic if you still have announcements about blah-blah in October. Should be updated with content frequently.
So, think about the websites you go to, and why. Bring someone on-board, maybe half-time, to help manage content and do updating. The more you invest in it, the better it will be, and the more regular the patients will be.
Lastly, make sure the website is prominent on your brochures, appt cards, etc..
That is solid advice Joe. I would also recommend that the staff (at ALL levels) be shown again what the patients can do from the portal. Walk through the patient experience and point out areas that it will save the staff time as well such as emails rather than phone calls. Once staff is educated they will be more comfortable promoting the features. Patients should hear about the portal from check in, the nurse, the MD, and at check out. Some offices even have a kiosk in the lobby where patients can login. Good luck to you!