I work for an orthopaedic group who is trying desperately to pass PQRS and Meaningful use. I have a question regarding Objective 10, Patient Health reporting. If we are a speciality group who doesn't give immunizations and doesn't have anything to do with outbreaks, etc for syndromic reporting, are we excluded from this measure?
I was on the phone with a company who said they would do our CMS reporting for the specialty registry reporting and if we report to two different specialty registries we will pass. Nothing on the CMS website leads me to that conclusion.
Anyone have any good insight into this? This company wants to charge a lot to get this reporting done. Not sure it's worth it especially if we aren't excluded and we aren't going to pass anyway.
I believe there is a minimum threshold that you need to meet before you can qualify to report. Otherwise, if you don't meet the threshold, you would be exempt from reporting. Double check this with CMS before spending any dollars for another agency to report on your behalf.
We are also in orthopaedics and we claimed an exclusion from all aspects of that measure. We do not administer any immunization or track any health conditions (e.g. cancer, HIV). As far as the specialty registry aspect, the way we understand it, you can claim an exclusion if there aren't any endorsed by your specialty society (AAOS) that pertain to your practice. The only one I'm aware of that the AAOS endorses is the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) but that is a registry for hospitals only and does not pertain to clinics. Therefore, we are able to claim the exclusion for all parts of this measure. I hope this is helpful and please let me know if anyone has other thoughts or approaches to this measure.
We are also a multi specialty group for Neurology, Neurosurgery and Pain Management. We also are excluded for immunizations and syndromic surveillance. We do , however, participate in our specialty organizations and EFORSCE which is the reporting of prescription narcotics in the state of Florida. My understanding is that if you exclude the first 2 options and then do diligence in exploring other possible registries for your specialty, you can claim an exemtion for all three parts of the measure. I would be sure to keep documentation regarding your efforts to find another registry to report to for audit purposes.
See CMS FAQ 14397. CMS has extended the alternate exclusions for both syndromic surveillance and specialized registry reporting in 2016. If an EP administers immunizations, he or she would be required to be in Active Engagement with their state's immunization registry. Otherwise, an exclusion could be claimed for that measure as well.